Barrasso Calls on Leaders to Affirm America’s Unwavering Commitment to Israel

“This is a dangerous world. It is more dangerous under the failed policies of the Biden-Harris administration. America cannot continue down Democrats’ path of war and weakness. Keeping America safe requires America and Israel working together.”

Click here to watch Senator Barrasso’s remarks.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference and a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, spoke today on the Senate floor following Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a Joint Meeting of Congress.

Senator Barrasso affirmed his unwavering support for Israel in their effort to defeat Hamas and to bring the hostages home.

Sen. Barrasso’s Remarks:

“The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, just delivered a historic speech to Congress.

“This was the fourth time the Prime Minister has spoken to the United States Congress. That’s more than the late Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Winston Churchill.

“Like Prime Minister Churchill, Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke of a battle between freedom and evil. He shared with us welcome news. And that news is that freedom is winning.

“Israel is committed to bringing home the hostages, to protecting its citizens from the atrocities that occurred on the October 7th attack.

“Meanwhile, the Hamas terrorist network is under more pressure than ever. Half of its senior leadership is dead. Its military chief has likely been eliminated.

“Remember, Hamas is a terrorist group. It governs through fear and violence.

“Hamas violently rejects the right of Israel to exist and the right of Jews to live in Israel.

“Hamas hides behind civilians. It uses them as human shields.

“Hamas stores its military weapons designed to kill in hospitals, in schools, and in homes.

“Hamas has stolen billions of dollars of humanitarian aid to build its terror tunnel all around the area of the Gaza Strip. This is the same tunnel network where for 9 months and counting 116 hostages, including 8 American hostages, are being held by Hamas terrorists.

“I stand firmly with Israel as Israel fights to finish the war and defeat Hamas.

“Sadly, supporting Israel has grown more divisive in this country than I’ve ever seen. Today’s Democrats are abandoning our greatest ally in the Middle East. They are calling to put conditions on aid to Israel.

“The Biden-Harris administration has delayed the delivery of war-winning weapons. The Senate Democrat Leader meddled in Israeli politics. He proclaimed in no uncertain terms on the floor of this body that Prime Minister Netanyahu should step down.

“The senior senator from Vermont went even further. Last month, he declared that Prime Minister Netanyahu is a ‘war criminal.’ That accusation is disturbing, it is damaging, and it is dishonest.

“If that weren’t bad enough, Vice President Harris skipped the Prime Minister’s speech entirely. The Vice President typically presides over joint sessions of Congress. With her snub to Israel, Vice President Harris is leading the Democrats’ Bibi Boycott.

“Catering to the pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat Party is not serious leadership. Not at all.

“The vice president now wants to be the Commander-in-Chief, yet she refuses to put politics aside and work with our indispensable ally. Her actions send a defeatist message to our enemies and a defeatist message to our allies alike.

“This is a time when it is so critical for us to restore confidence in America. Here’s what we need to do and how to do it: We do it through Peace through Strength. With strong, steady, and serious support for Israel and for Israel’s right to exist.

“What is the approach of President Biden today? What is the approach of Vice President Harris? And what is the approach of the Senate Democrats, members of this body? Is it to continue to appease our adversaries and abandon our friends?

“This is a dangerous world. It is more dangerous under the failed policies of the Biden-Harris administration. America cannot continue down Democrats’ path of war and weakness. Keeping America safe requires America and Israel working together. We heard that today in the joint session of Congress.

“Republicans believe in Israel’s mission to defeat Hamas. We understand fully what is at stake, and our support is firm. We must unite and bring back Peace through Strength.

“Now more than ever, the American people need to stand with Israel. And I’m one of those people that will continue to stand with Israel.”
