New data released this morning revealed that prices have risen more than 20% since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office in January 2021. As too many Americans know, Vice President Harris – who approved trillions in reckless Democrat spending – is directly responsible for the painfully high prices we’re experiencing today.
“Prices are 20% higher than they were when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris came into office. People are forced to cut back, forced to decide whether they can fill their gas tanks or their grocery carts. According to CNN, nearly 40% of all Americans say they worry they can’t pay their bills.
“So how did we get here? Democrats passed trillions of dollars in reckless and radical and runaway spending.
“It was so unpopular as a proposal – and Congress heard from the American people how unpopular it was – it was so unpopular that at a point it was tied, the vote, and then they had to bring in someone to break the tie.
“Who was that person who cast that tie-breaking vote that brought us 40-year high inflation, the highest prices in 40 years for which so many people suffer today? That person was Vice President Kamala Harris.
“That’s right. Vice President Harris, who is now the nominee of the Democrat Party running for president. She is the one that came into this chamber to cast the vote to break the tie that fueled the highest prices that we continue to experience today.”
BACKGROUND // Kamala Harris’s Liberal Record Caused Prices to Soar:
- Prices have risen more than 20% since Kamala Harris and Joe Biden entered the White House.
- Kamala Harris: “Bidenomics is working.”
- Kamala Harris: “We are very proud of Bidenomics.”
- Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking votes on $4 trillion of reckless Democrat spending and tax increases – causing prices to soar to 40-year highs.
- Despite painfully high prices, Kamala Harris has promised to pass the largest tax increase in history, raising taxes on hardworking American families.
- Kamala Harris wants shackle American energy production by banning fracking and drilling as well as ending U.S. fossil fuel production, which would send gas and utility costs even higher.
- Kamala Harris wants to raise taxes on middle-class families in order to give free health care to everybody, including illegal immigrants.